Burkes' Paradise

Backpackers hostel & campsite in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Photo Gallery

The block of twin and double rooms in the ponds area. 

The swimming pool area. This space can also be used as a campsite where you can pitch your tent.

The rooms at the swimming pool area of Burkes' Paradise.

 One of our twin rooms. Our rooms are not en-suite.

One of our double rooms. Our rooms are not en-suite.


The pathway that connects the ponds area to the pool area at Burkes' Paradise. A lot of the space is  undeveloped which gives our guests a feeling of being well away from the city.

One of the dorm rooms. There's space for up to 7 people in this one. The bunk beds were custom made for us to ensure there's headroom for our guests.

The view from one of the rooms by the pool.

Camping area near the fishponds.

We hope this selection of photos gives you a good idea of what to expect at Paradise.  There are a few more on our Facebook page. Please leave a comment there to let us know if you'd like to see photos of any other parts of Burkes' Paradise.